Completed a major meta analysis of evaluation outcomes of The Working Mind and The Working Mind – First Respondents programs.
The Working Mind (TWM): Workplace Mental Health and Wellness and TWM – First Responders are education-based programs designed to promote mental health, teach resiliency skills, and reduce the stigma of mental illness in a workplace setting.
Three scientific papers Evaluation of this program involves the assessment of stigma reduction, improved resiliency, and a measure of the extent to which participants use the skills they learn in the program.
My role in this project was to conduct a meta-analysis and pooled meta regression of all implementations of these two programs over a two-year period to assess overall outcomes, as well as to ascertain whether certain employee or program characteristics may have an impact on learning or outcomes. Scientific papers are currently in publication.
In addition, Stephanie Knaak, PhD I Research & Consulting completed the analysis of a qualitative study of program roll-out and implementation experiences. Results were translated into an implementation model and best practice guide to help organizations implementing workplace mental health programs and help facilitate organizational culture change.