Social Scientist. Research and Evaluation Specialist.

Consultant. Professional Writer.

Specializing in workplace mental health, anti-stigma strategies, healthcare and youth

Learn More About Me


consulting research services golden bc

Mental Health Consulting

I provide services to clients to respond to a variety of research and consultancy needs.

consulting program evaluation services

Program Evaluation

Is your program or initiative achieving its intended goals, objectives and outcomes?

qualitative research golden bc

Qualitative Research

I am a qualitatively trained social scientist who has led led numerous small and national scale qualitative-based projects.


Quantitative Research

It is often said that the basis of great research is not about getting the right answer, it is knowing what questions to ask in the first place.

stephanie knaak presenting

Professional Writing & Speaking

My writing expertise covers the spectrum from popular press to research reports, to peer-reviewed publications.

Dr. Knaak’s research has been the subject of many journal articles, and is making a difference both nationally and internationally. As a result of her research, we have identified and are replicating many evidence-based programs.


To date in my twenty-five year career, there are certain individuals who stand out from the pack. Dr. Knaak is a rare talent.


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